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The Robin - 18 November 2018

Hello all

Lots happening this week………….

Burhill Tea Towels

Burhill tea towels featuring every child’s self portrait are now on sale! There’s one design for each year (including nursery). Designs and order forms can all be found at:

Please ensure you return your order form in an envelope marked FoBS Tea Towels

to the school office by 3.15pm on Monday 26 November.

Christmas Cards

Monday 19th December (today) is the last day for ordering Christmas Cards and Gifts after this time the shop will close and you will not be able to view or order cards and gifts:-

· Logon to

· Follow the steps on the Chameleon Create letter your child brought home (which includes your Unique Artwork Code) and place your order

Orders will be delivered to school by 4th December.

IMPORTANT – If you are a parent or carer of a Year 6 child you will receive your Unique Artwork Code very soon. Don’t worry you will still be able to place your order in plenty of time and we’ll be in touch as soon as we have the date for ordering.

Christmas Fair, Saturday 1st December 12pm – 3pm

If you haven't signed up already, please do and help out on your class stall - even just half an hour of your time will help make it a fantastic afternoon for everyone! There are prizes for Best Festive Outfits again this year so why not dust off the Christmas jumper and reindeer antlers!

Santa's Grotto - Tickets are now completely SOLD OUT - thanks to everyone who bought tickets!

Stall Prizes - If you have any unwanted gifts for both children and adults that would make good prizes on our various stalls please let us know - a great opportunity for a clear out ahead of the festivities!

Book Stall - We also need your unwanted books, DVDs and CDs for our nearly new book stall please.

Christmas Themed Treasure Jars

Festively decorated please with small toys and gifts to the value of a £1 - we will also be collecting these in on Mufti Day. Thank you.

Christmas Fair Mufti Day - Friday 23rd November - KS1 to bring in sweets and chocolates and KS2 alcohol please for our ever-popular tombolas! Trollies will be left at both entrances on the day for all donations.

Fair contact: Dori (Ravens Mum)

SAVE THE DATE – Burhill Ball Saturday 23rd March 2018

More details to follow………………..

Dates for you:-

22rd November – Year 3 Cake Sale

23rd November Christmas Fair Mufti Day

1st December – Christmas Fair, 12pm – 3pm

Support us with Easy Fundraising! Click on the link BurhillEasyFundraising

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