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The Robin - 16 Feb 2020

Dear All,

Welcome to a special extra edition of The Robin! Today we'd like to tell you about all the wonderful suggestions we received for how we could spend our fundraising money, and also to let you know about some of the upcoming school projects we're already contributing to. At the end of the email will be a link to an online poll, so read on for info on what we've already agreed to fund and how you can vote for more FoBS spending.

School Minibus - The acquisition of a school minibus has been a subject for discussion at many a FoBS meeting over the past few years. We're delighted to be able to confirm that Mr Whishaw came to our last meeting with a brilliant proposal, and we have consequently agreed to fund 50% of the cost of leasing a new minibus which will be used to transport pupils to and from events, not just for sports activities but also for all other subject areas across the school. Full details of the proposal are in the minutes of the last meeting which will be published on the website very soon.

New Playground - Lots and lots of you suggested that we could contribute to new equipment for the main playground. This was something we had already suggested to Mrs Adams and the Senior Leadership Team, and we were very happy to be told that plans are already afoot with Surrey County Council to completely renovate and expand the current space. FoBS will no doubt be asked if we would like to contribute to the project once arrangements are firmly in place, so we'll let you know when this happens - but we thought you would all be reassured to know that meetings are being held, plans are being drawn up and things will hopefully start to move forward over the Summer holidays. Mrs Adams has agreed to report back on the latest developments at our next meeting so do come along if you'd like to hear her news (26 February from 7pm in the Children's Centre).

New Books - Again, many people mentioned that stocks of reading books are low at the moment. We've spoken with Mrs Adams who has assured us that a large order of books was recently placed and so your children should start coming home with some new reading material very soon.

Mindfulness - This was another very popular subject, so we wanted to let you know that we have already agreed to contribute £5K towards the school's current mindfulness projects. These are being led by Mrs Webb and are too varied for us to list here but again, please come to the next meeting where Mrs Webb will be reporting on everything our fundraising has paid for.

Now comes the extra-exciting part! We have collated all the responses that hadn't already been discussed and agreed, and we've ended up with a list of several potential projects which we would like you to vote on. We'll give you a brief description of each project here, then you can decide which you would most like to see implemented. We undertake to fund at least the most popular project plus more if our funds allow. Your options are as follows;

Purchase of an additional Poddely set for the playground

A whole-school collaborative artwork project for permanent display

A sand pit for athletics events

A dance/drama workshop for all pupils to be held during the Summer Term

Follow the link below to place your vote!

let us have your votes by 24 February at the latest. Thanks for sticking with us to the end of this mammoth email but we're sure you'll agree that we've given you a lot of good news. We hope you have a restful and enjoyable half term holiday!


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