Jen co-Chairs FoBS with Trilby. She has two children currently at Burhill in Reception and Year 6. After being a Class Rep for a number of years, she now brings experience from her Marketing background to help us achieve the goals of FoBS.
Richard Bell
Richard shares the Treasurer role, bringing his wealth of business knowledge and experience. He has two children in Year 1 and Year 3.
Sarah Bax
Sarah is a researcher in her day job and she loves to organise. She combines these skills with her passion for Burhill in her role as secretary. She has two daughters; one in Years 6 and another at a local secondary school.
Emma Cairns
Class Rep Coordinator
Emma has been a FoBS volunteer ever since her children, now in Years 3 and 6, joined Burhill. She works as an LSA and does the vital role for FoBS of coordinating with all of our Class Reps.
Trilby Fox-Rumley
Trilby co-Chairs with Jen in all aspects of FoBS activities and brings enthusiasm by the bucketload! She has twin boys in Year 2, as well as a younger daughter who is her full time sidekick at home.
Katie Lister
Katie is a former Chartered Accountant and web designer, applying both skills to her roles as Co-Treasurer and maintaining the FoBS website. She has two children in Year 2 and Year 4.
James Johnson
Committee Member
James is an experienced trustee having previously served on the Commitee at Burwood Preschool. He has two children in Years 4 and 6 and a with baby at home too, James is set to be a Burhill parent for many years!
Fiona Whishaw
Committee Member
Fiona brings a wealth of school experince to her role, having spent two years as Chair and with two children at Burhill in Nursery and Year 6, and an older daughter in a local secondary school.
We always welcome new volunteers at FoBS. Find out how you can get involved below.